
Product details

Q: The product has been broken for 6 months and in that time has only sent 50% of my emails to the inbox or spam.

When will the issue be fixed? What steps are being taken to remedy?

stephaniethomaJun 18, 2024
Founder Team


Jul 29, 2024

A: Hello,
Spam is a complex issue, you have to go step by step until you find the reason. in no case it is a problem of the tool, we confirm that it wotrks normally. If it is something punctual, it is very possible that in future shipments it will be solved even without changing anything. The most important step is the DKIM configuration, here is the article:

Once you have this point, our next recommendation is that you review all the points that we put in this article and once you have done all of them, do new tests.

As a last note, remember that the big email managers focus fundamentally on the response of subscribers to your campaign, and based on this they send or not a spam campaign. For this reason, the quality and time of your list is key throughout this process.

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Posted: Jul 15, 2024

OMG ME - has anyone found an alternative?