We help companies managing multiple software projects gain control over their client portfolios
Make Project Portfolio Management Easy
Manage all your projects in a single system.
Designed for companies that need to collaborate with external clients on software development projects, AgencyDots helps you gain visibility, boost profitability, and standardize operations.
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Discover how we centralize the project management across your portfolio.
Manage your entire project portfolio in a single platform independently from your project management software (PMS). Gain a real-time overview of results and ensure your projects are on track.
Deliver any project successfully
Track every key aspect of your projects within a single system. Keep everyone on the same page and ensure a smooth delivery.
Visualize project delivery
Visualize project delivery timelines and progress. Share the last info with stakeholders to align expectations and communicate updates.
Collaborate with your client
Centralize communication and track all the important information in one single place. Ensure every stakeholder can instantly access the last data.

Explore how to make informed decisions with metrics.
Predict your next steps, don’t assume them. Use real-time insights to make confident, data-driven decisions. Check the pulse of your project portfolio.
Real-time overview
Monitor the progress of your projects in real time and across the portfolio. Spot the ones that require your immediate attention. Analyze completed work to understand how to optimize your agency.
Check your project insights
Gain control of the current status of your project. Understand how it’s performing and take the necessary actions to delivery smoothly.
Gain visibility into client satisfaction
Analyze your client feedback and predict their next moves. Deliver on time and retain your client for future projects.

Discover how the client portal to keep everybody on the same page.
Share the project progress with your client. Keep them up-to-date with the real-time status of the work, track the last decisions and manage expectations.
Use your own brand
Personalize the client portal with your logo, color palette, and custom URL. Make it your own and share the link with just one click.
Track what really matters
Show the key details everybody needs to know. Visualize the info into a timeline or a list.
Share the project delivery metrics
Make the project metrics visible to the client. Share them with just one click. Manage expectations and be on the same page.
Plans & features
Deal terms & conditions
- Lifetime access to AgencyDots
- All future Premium Plan updates
- If Plan name changes, deal will be mapped to the new Plan name with all accompanying updates
- No codes, no stacking—just choose the plan that is right for you
- You must activate your license within 60 days of purchase
- Ability to upgrade between 6 license tiers while the deal is available
- Ability to downgrade between 6 license tiers within 60 days of purchase
- GDPR compliant
60 day money-back guarantee. Try it out for 2 months to make sure it's right for you!