E-Commerce Starter Package by Laganoo

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5 stars
5 stars
Member since: May 2020Deals bought: 499Posted: Sep 9, 2022

Perfect for now

This is a perfect solution today as it is ecwid’s based and that it
Offers what a paid plan on Ecwid offers. It’s a robust and solid solution. So 5 tacos.
My only concern is that it depends on the futur of their reseller plan. As long as they keep this solution, you’re good to go. They are planning to create their own solution to replace this one but reaching ecwids standard won’t happen overnight so you might have some hard work to do later if
1/they close their reseller plan
2/you need to recreate your store in their new ecom
3/their solution won’t be as good as the current one.
Use it with this in mind.

Founder Team


Sep 10, 2022

Thank you sharing your thoughts and feedback.

