Q: Could I use this product to invite customers/clients to vote/engage on bundled services to bring to life life ...

certain packaged bundled offerings for an upcoming campaigns? Goal is to have real feedback as to settings price points/bundled packages with goal of increasing conversions and alleviate a/b testing live. Created a go to market chosen choice with real world feedback PRE-sale.

Can this usecase be implemented with your product? Thanks

TheBlueAlphaPLUSJun 29, 2024
Founder Team


Jun 29, 2024

A: Short answer, Yes. On Ekaav, you can add all possible 'bundled packages' as options and also include an image/pdf if you want to show more details for each package. Then you can invite as many clients as you want to vote/rate on these packages. You will be able to analyse and understand their responses/preferences in the results view.

Having said that, I suggest we discuss your use case in detail to understand it better. Please write a quick hi to me at support@ekaav.com

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