GoBrunch Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 820 questions

Q: Please clarify your offer

I try to understand the difference between appsumontiers and your Prime chef subscription. How many spaces to we get? Which tier offers whitelabel? Wht is not included?

Also, there hasn't been any official update since 1.5 years, what have you added and how regular are the product updates? Is your roadmap up to date? It looks like all the useful features are still planned for the future.

What other productivity tools to you plan to add? Collective whiteboards? Interactive surveys?

Thank you! :)

Sebastien.RPLUSFeb 9, 2025
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Founder Team


Feb 9, 2025

A: Hey Sabastien thank you for asking.

1. You can get unlimited spaces and the number of rooms would depend on your tier. There's nothing that we offer in our Chef plan that is not included in the AppSumo deal. Once you setup your sub-domain, you can upload your logo to replace ours in the joining page and inside of your rooms.

2. There are tons of features and updates, here's a...


Q: Screenshare resolution is unlegible

I know GoBrunch is meant to retain the 'Space' atmosphere but the screenshare function needs 2 main tweaks:
1. The resolution of the Presentation mode is so bad attendees cannot see any text and barely any image I am sharing. Is there a way to improve this?
2. Since we have the presentation mode, it would be awesome to just let the user go into full screen mode.
The reason being that the size of the display in the presentation mode depends on the size of the person sharing's browser. So when I resize my browser, my attendees can see things clearly or not clearly

103245162917024794303PLUSFeb 6, 2025
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Founder Team


Edited Feb 6, 2025

A: Hi. Let's dig into it.

1. I usually work with my devs with coding and the screen share always looks good. They might have faced networking issues. Presentations should also be crisp. Feel free to reach out to me for us to make a test as the image quality should not be a problem.

2. You can enter full screen clicking on the own screen share element.

Join my demonstration session for us to...


Q: About a Business-Oriented Layout


We appreciate GoBrunch’s focus on making online meetings more fun, engaging, and interactive. However, in some cases, we require a more simple and business-oriented layout

Is there an option to disable the colorful background and have a more minimalistic interface, similar to the experience on Zoom or Google Meet? If not, are you considering adding this option in the future?


navid7PLUSFeb 6, 2025
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Founder Team


Feb 6, 2025

A: Hey Navid7, thank you for asking. Currently we have the presentation view which is the closest to what you're looking for. We do plans for making even better.


Q: About Language Features and AI Interpretation

I saw in the questions that the platform is now available inItalian and German, could you share the full list of supported languages?

Additionally, I would like to ask about real-time language interpretation:

1. Are you considering adding AI-powered language interpretation for meetings or webinars to provide automated real-time translation?

2. If a webinar is conducted in English, is it possible to have an additional audio channel where participants can listen to a real-time translation provided by a human interpreter?

3. If a webinar is conducted in English, is there a way to create a separate virtual room where attendees can watch the webinar video while listening to the real-time translation by an interpreter?


navid7PLUSFeb 6, 2025
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Founder Team


Feb 6, 2025

A: The languages currently supported are: English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian and French.

1. Just added to the roadmap.

2. Right now this is not available.

3. Yes, you can create a separated room and share the screen of the main room and ask the interpreter to translate in real time. The interpreter will have to be in 2 rooms at the same time.



Q: Picture and Picture

Check this out Sumo-lings 👋 Last week we launched our new feature 🎁Picture in Picture.

Picture-in-picture (PiP) in GoBrunch is a game-changer. Here’s why:

🍩 See Reactions While Sharing Your Screen: Now, you can present while keeping an eye on your attendees’ reactions in real time. Definitely helpful for workshops and coaching live sessions.

🍩 Stay Connected Even Outside Your Room – If you're in your virtual office community space, you can see who’s joining your room and say a Hi to them.

🍩 Multi-Task Like a Pro – Jump between different tasks while keeping your GoBrunch room visible. Whether you’re answering emails, taking notes, or checking something online, your meeting stays right there on your screen.

Richard_GoBrunchPLUSFeb 6, 2025
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