Q: Prevent the logo in the email
Is there a way to prevent the user from knowing the email is being tracked? I noticed that the icon is in the body of the email. I use another email tracking extension that does not reveal this to the end user.
Nov 8, 2024A: The recipients will not ne noticed that the email is tracked. If you have any question you can email us to goemailtracker@gmail.com. Thanks!
So you are saying that there is absolutely no way that the user will notice that the email is being tracked by your service?
Yes, Its not possible without a coder or any software. Not even he/ she installed GoEmailTracker.
Verified purchaser
This is not accurate. I have a friend that installed GoEmailTracker after recommending it to a FB group of web designers and she sent me an email. At the top was a message saying the email was being tracked. And upon hovering over the message ---- the GoEmailTracker branding appeared. THEN after I replied to my friends email, the GoEmailTracker icon did NOT appear for that email in my sent folder
Verified purchaser
here is a link to the screenshots of that https://www.canva.com/design/DAGXOg7C-fI/WMZ6sBljfincYdP09BWSJA/view?utm_content=DAGXOg7C-fI&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor