Growform Multi Step Form Builder

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We have an issue where the forms are not mobile responsive.

We have an issue where the forms are not mobile responsive. Everything besides this great as a form builder. You can see in this screenshot link below that the input sections are going outside the container. Also the text in paragraphs blocks and the helper text are not centered. There are no mobile settings in the Theme option besides Width, Margin and footer. We have also sent you a support ticket but no reply besides the canned response "We have received your reply." from I believe you have mentioned here on Appsummo that forms are mobile responsive, but we're not seeing this. Can we have our ticket escalated otherwise these forms are unusable. Thanks

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    Harvey_GrowformFounder team
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    Hi bDeer, am debugging your ticket and expect to come back with a full response in the next 24 hours.

    Sorry for the short delay.

    All the best,

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    Thank you Harvey.
    I appreciate your quick response :)