Unicorn Platform

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Member since: Oct 2010Deals bought: 231
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: May 26, 2021

My Holy Grail ;-)

I run a product business and although I love creating websites, including creating a few of my own CMS's, I realised that any time spent tweaking a website is less time to spend improving my products and marketing. So, I went down the path of Wordpress + Elementor...as you do...

Realising that my website is essentially a brochure/static website (almost anything can always be implemented with Javascript snippets anyway), I decided that Wordpress just took too much of my time: editing takes too long, website speed is sub-optimal, and the list goes on.

I wanted something that would make it super quick and easy to add/edit content, look fantastic and preferably output a static plain HTML website.

Then I tried some other products (no names mentioned), but I was left feeling like I'd just swapped one set of problems for a new set of problems.

Then, somebody on a Facebook group mentioned that he was blown away by Unicorn Platform. I almost didn't check it out due to the really terrible name...(guys, please rename!!). When I did create a test account, everything just clicked like clockwork. I don't know how to describe it, and it might just be specific to me, but it worked in exactly the same way that my mind works, so it felt as easy and painless as sliding a hot knife through butter. Within 2 minutes I had an exact copy of my existing homepage (well, better actually...because I suck at design, but Unicorn Platform gives great designs out of the box). That page took me AGES to create with Wordpress and Elementor. Seriously, I found using Unicorn Platform so...very...awesome.

It won't meet everyone's use-case. In fact, it probably won't meet the needs of a large percentage of people/companies, but, if it does meet your needs then it's fantastic! Just create a free account, set your stopwatch countdown to 10 minutes, and see what you can create ;-)

I've already recommended to my son's school.
