2in1: Multiple Link Page for your Instagram & Social Media Buttons and Widgets for your Website

Product details

Limits are unclear - how many websites - for one code and if the limits are less then will you allow...

Limits are unclear - how many websites - for one code and if the limits are less then will you allow stacking?

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    AlexLisFounder team
    | Member Since:

    You could create 30 widgets or pages in one account for unlimited amount of websites, but it's not a limit, just to prevent unwise use of our services. If you need more than 30 widgets, you could increase this limit through our support center without extra fees.

    AlexLisFounder team
    | Member Since:

    info1721, 30 widgets/sets you could use in 30 websites. It's more than necessary for majority of our users. But if you need more, you could increase this limit for free.

    | Deals Bought: 167 | Member Since:

    30 widgets limit is nothing!