A: We don't have an API currently, we may add this in future but not ongoing plans about it rn. With your own key, yes there is no limit in last tier, except the organization-wide training character limits.
We don't offer auto updates on websites weekly but it's a good feedback, we can consider to adding this. You may also consider to add this to our feedback request board: mevo.frill.co
A: Maybe using the chatbots as a standalone-webpage with custom domains can help this use case, feel free to creating a free chatbot and use it as a standalone page with our Free plan.
You can always ask questions to us by sending email hi@usemevo.com.
The limit is 25 Million characters (not tokens) right? If i delete a pdf i provided for training do I get it back? so i can use the credits again or not? "150 page per crawling session" that means i can train one chatbot only with 150 wepages, right? or does it mean all chatbots together? or what does session mean? monthly submission would mean one guy from one IP who uses the chatbot, but in this case it does not matter how long the conversation is, right? what exactly does seat mean?
If you remove training content, you can get back the training character size to your organization. (Some users reports a bug about this, we're working on that, you have my word as a founder, you can get empty training characters spaces by removing the existing one.)
You can crawl 150 pages from a unique url at once. You can train your chatbot from...
I have about two strategies available for user to review and select. I would load each with a description and I want the chat to respond with 1 or 3 or 5 strategies to select from based upon their input, whether via inquiry or by user selected from a check box list. The results would be ranked by the best, most viable strategy first.
For example, they would say, or use a checklist, would ask the client questions, then present a list of mental models for evaluation - directly tailored to their need.
Q: Could we use it via api
And in this case use it as part of an ai agent?
Additionally with BYOK no limits in the last tier right?
Does it offer autoupdates on websites for example every week crawl the website again or sth. Like that?
Feb 10, 2025A: We don't have an API currently, we may add this in future but not ongoing plans about it rn. With your own key, yes there is no limit in last tier, except the organization-wide training character limits.
We don't offer auto updates on websites weekly but it's a good feedback, we can consider to adding this. You may also consider to add this to our feedback request board: mevo.frill.co
Share mevo: all-in-one chatbot solution
Q: Can the bot also train in audio and/or video files (e.g. YouTube)
Feb 10, 2025A: No, it's not possible for now.
Share mevo: all-in-one chatbot solution
Q: Looking for a general chatbot - not customer service
Looking for general purpose chatbot that I can monetize like pickaxe, not just customer service. Does this have that flexibility?
Feb 10, 2025A: Maybe using the chatbots as a standalone-webpage with custom domains can help this use case, feel free to creating a free chatbot and use it as a standalone page with our Free plan.
You can always ask questions to us by sending email hi@usemevo.com.
Share mevo: all-in-one chatbot solution
Q: training limit
The limit is 25 Million characters (not tokens) right?
If i delete a pdf i provided for training do I get it back? so i can use the credits again or not?
"150 page per crawling session" that means i can train one chatbot only with 150 wepages, right? or does it mean all chatbots together? or what does session mean?
monthly submission would mean one guy from one IP who uses the chatbot, but in this case it does not matter how long the conversation is, right?
what exactly does seat mean?
Feb 10, 2025A: Yes limit is character count, not token.
If you remove training content, you can get back the training character size to your organization. (Some users reports a bug about this, we're working on that, you have my word as a founder, you can get empty training characters spaces by removing the existing one.)
You can crawl 150 pages from a unique url at once. You can train your chatbot from...
Share mevo: all-in-one chatbot solution
Q: Multi variable ranked analysis
I have about two strategies available for user to review and select. I would load each with a description and I want the chat to respond with 1 or 3 or 5 strategies to select from based upon their input, whether via inquiry or by user selected from a check box list. The results would be ranked by the best, most viable strategy first.
For example, they would say, or use a checklist, would ask the client questions, then present a list of mental models for evaluation - directly tailored to their need.
Can you do this?
Jan 29, 2025A: I don't understand your use case exactly, but you can try our free tier and do some experiments with our AI and rule-based chatbots before buying.
Share mevo: all-in-one chatbot solution