How to Make a $1,000 a Month Business Course

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5 stars
5 stars
Member since: Apr 2017Deals bought: 1Posted: Sep 19, 2020

Excellent VFM and a bonus

I'm a lifelong entrepreneur and have started 11 businesses to date. But speed to learning (I completely reject the word failure) has been much too long.
So for $7 what can I lose?
Well not $7 that's for sure. As advertised, within 48 hours of starting I'd overcome a couple of mind-blocks that I'd had since my childhood, on the way to getting my first three customers. It's not a particularly scalable or innovative business, but that's not the point. The point is to get a win. The added bonus that it's doing something I love and there's extra cash coming in with not much work.
In addition, I'm in the process of building a business that enables people, who've been laid off as the result of the plague, to reinvent themselves. The format of this course has flipped the script on how to present coursework. So thank you.

This bit is addressed directly to Noah Kagan and the people who maintain this site. You really need to answer the questions that people ask here. It's a very poor CX for them and it reflects badly on your brand. And it's such a basic 101 type activity.

But apart from that aberration, well done. You look weird and scruffy though. Course should reflect new Noah. :-D
