
Product details
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Member since: Nov 2020Deals bought: 36
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Nov 30, 2024

I Created a Book in 4 days. This is a great first step.

Easy workflow
Automatic scholarly paper search feature

User Experience (UX) issues:
Navigation within the "writer" is challenging (sometimes arrow keys don't work, must use scrollbar)
Difficulty chatting with multiple documents simultaneously
Cannot selectively use specific references across different projects (unless I mess understand)
Unexpected behavior with references persisting after deletion

Unable to upload multiple references with selective usage
The Humanize feature does not effectively reduce AI detection
Outline builder lacks comprehensive document integration

Founder Team


Dec 2, 2024


Thank you for the detailed feedback. Please find my comments below:

We will recheck the browser shortcuts in different browsers. Could you please provide the browser details?
Could you let me know the exact difficulty you’re experiencing while chatting with multiple documents? Currently, you can select up to 100 documents at once to chat.
The ability to select specific references in the writer is expected to go live this week.
Could you please send a message in the chat? I will check this issue in detail.
We are working on the next version of Humanize AI, which should further reduce AI detection.
