Pismo - Plus Exclusive

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Member since: Aug 2024Deals bought: 3
5 stars
5 stars
Edited Oct 25, 2024

Pismo is just what I have been looking for.

Pismo is super useful. It's great that it's a native app and not a browser addon.

It's really cool to have Pismo available in all the apps I use, and the possibility of custom prompts with keybinds is nothing short of fantastic.

I've used Pismo for everything from note-taking in Obsidian, managing Google Ads, translations, and comments in my code.

If I had to mention a couple of negative things, it would be that the floating widget should be able to be hidden. I never use it, and it's always a bit in the way, and everything can easily be used with keybinds. Another thing is that it would be nice to have more formatting options for the output, markdown would be great.

Thanks for a great product!

Founder Team


Oct 28, 2024

Hi! Thanks for the review! Glad you are enjoying Pismo!

P.S. You can actually minimize the Pismo widget! Just right-click on the 3 dots on the left side of the widget, and click "minimize"!
