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Member since: Feb 2023Deals bought: 66
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Posted: Jul 30, 2024

The risks of buying LTD's!!

Like the rest I'm stuck with a software that no longer works and the worst part is Appsumo defending the seller, and not supporting the Plus Members.

For many of us software purchased on Appsumo is used for our livelihood. We either use it as part of our services or we extend them to our clients.

The risk is when we provide a service to clients that depend on any software purchased on appsumo, which goes down like RankAtom, our business haults, and we lose clients rapidly, and our reputations reflect that problems that software developer has created.

Thankfully I don't use RankAtom in a way that my business depends on it however moving forward I will be more careful and weary about purchasing software from Appsumo thinking it would be a great tool to add to my services.

Bottomline, look for software that has been established for years and has a founder not fresh out of college.
