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Assalm Alaikom Wa Rahmatollah Wa Barkato, Dear Bekir Çelik, Nice to get this deal on AppSumo and...

Assalm Alaikom Wa Rahmatollah Wa Barkato, Dear Bekir Çelik, Nice to get this deal on AppSumo and as I can see from the roadmap that Shopiroller can be be an excellent one particularly if current in development features implemented soon, but for my use it would great if you can consider the RTL switching for the Right-To-Left frontend layout direction for Automatic language because even big companies still haven't implemented this in their SaaS business, so I highly recommend this to you to do this on a priority bases as there is a huge market that eager to get for affordable excellent solution. Kind regards, Mohammad

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    Hi Mohammad 👋🏼

    First of all thanks for your best wishes!🙏🏼

    If you share your advices and requests with our team, we will so pleased! 👇🏼

    Have a nice day🍀

    | Member Since:

    Hi Mohammad 👋🏼

    First of all thanks for your best wishes!🙏🏼

    If you share your advices and requests with our team, we will so pleased! 👇🏼

    Have a nice day🍀