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Member since: Apr 2020Deals bought: 79
1 stars
1 stars
Posted: Jul 1, 2024

Can't translate

It's advertised as trasnalteable, but it isn't (completely).

Most of the fields and content is translateable, yes, but for example the terms and privacy policy parts, nor the final ("thank you") page, can not be translated.

Please fix, otherwise it's a very good platform, but the translation as a whole isn't quite working.

And a note for all future buyers: the translation feature isn't actually translation, it's rather replacing/overwriting text trings. You're not translating, your'e actually rewriting all texts and replacing them. You can't have two or more languages.

Founder Team


Jul 3, 2024

Hey there!

Before I go into this, I want to thank you for saying it's very good platform, appreciate the kind words.

Allowing users to freely edit the privacy policy would be ludicrous, and would be a huge liability for the both of us. This is not a product decision, but a legal issue.
The "Thank you" page, you can completely customize all text, so that's just not true.

Nor is that it's advertised as translatable, and to anyone to asked the question before on the questions page, I answered there is replacing the strings as a workaround for now , but we know it's not ideal.

I'm sad to see you bringing our review score down because of this, we are trying to hard to build a great product. This is not an accurate representation of your opinion as you say yourself "it's a very good platform". Socialjuice whole mission is to make reviews better and more trustworthy. Sad to see we didn't get the point across.

Hope this clear things up.
Kind regards
