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Q: Hi!

Can I post a reel to my IG reel grid only (ie NOT have it appear on my main grid)? Thanks!

108821459260728995092Jun 26, 2024
Founder Team


Jun 26, 2024

A: Hi!

Yes, once you upload your video you will see a switch with label 'Reels Only'. Just switch that on and it will only appear there. This works for Instagram and Facebook.

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Posted: Jun 26, 2024

Thanks for that. And if I DO want it to my main grid as well, do I just not toggle that switch? (Because when I don't toggle the reel switch on, an alert comes up saying that IG has a video time limit of 60 seconds, which isn't correct). Thanks!

Posted: Jun 26, 2024

Correct. it will post to both by default. You are also correct about the 90 second limit. I did some research and it appears that they have increased it to 90 seconds for Reels posts via the API. I'll let you know tomorrow once it is updated.

Posted: Jun 27, 2024

We have updated the limit for Instagram Reels to 90 seconds. Thank you for letting us know!