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Q: Upgrade to Enterprise

I'm trying to figure out how the Upgrade to Enterprise works. It appears that it competes with our own plans and is separate from our own billing, but please help us figure this out so we know what our clients will see. Currently I can (and have) upgraded one of my workspaces to Enterprise using the Appsumo deal, but when I try and upgrade one of my clients, it says they will pay $399/mo.

Is there a way for us to upgrade our clients to Enterprise at the lower AppSumo cost? I didn't realize it at first, but I thought it would apply to all my workspaces, but since it doesn't, it would be nice to either have a way to upgrade them on our end. This seems like it could be bait and switch if we put someone on our $399 plan and they find out it doesn't even include premium stuff, which is another $399.

tdteeplesPLUSSep 12, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 12, 2024

A: Hello!

Are you AgencyPro? If so, your clients will see the Pricing Plan price whether you have assigned them to an Enterprise or Business workspace.

If you are not AgencyPro, your clients should never see any billing information at all. Only the Account Owner (you) can see that. Be sure to only give clients a sub user login. Do this by going to Manage Users in the top nav and issue them a user login there. This is automatically done for you if you use the 'Add Workspace' feature in the Agency Dashboard, it generates an invitation email and sets them up with a sub user login so they can't see any billing info.

If there is an AppSumo code applied to the workspace, it should show as $180/yr (or $120/yr if you do it within a week of applying the LTD code). Please go to support if the above isn't what you are experiencing.

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