Just to be clear, you're saying that all courses are included in this $69 price?

Just to be clear, you're saying that all courses are included in this $69 price??? On your site it says the lifetime deal holders must pay extra for the courses. I like your concept, just trying to pick the best avenue for the purchase right now. Help?

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    Info_SumizeitFounder team
    | Member Since:

    Courses are separate from this deal. However, if you buy this deal, you’ll get courses at a discounted price. Courses are very affordable.

    Plus member
    Verified Purchaser
    | Deals Bought: 938 | Member Since:

    What will the price for courses?

    I think it would be super to include the courses in the offer. Will dramatically increase your sales and exposure / affiliate partners.

    I'm on the fence till then, but if you include, I'm all in 🔥

    Info_SumizeitFounder team
    | Member Since:

    The instructors have to make a living. If we include the courses, it’s not fair to them. We don’t make a profit at all from the courses. It all goes to the instructors.