Is there no way search contacts via http request via API? I can't seem to find that feature. I'm hoping integrations are not only available via Zapier and premade integrations?
Q: Internal notification emails need to be able to go to ANY specified email please
Internal notification emails need to be able to go to ANY specified email please.
Not just admin users on our Swipe accounts. I need to notify one of our vendors or a VA during an email automation flow to remind them to do things, but they absolutely do NOT need access to our entire CRM and email platform lol
Any URLs inside the CRM Columns should open in a new tab when clicked. Not the little copy paste button.
We have all the customers social profile links added in there.
I need to be able to click their website or social urls & it opens the link or profile in a new tab with one click and then I'll give them a Like or comment, or whatever real quick, so they remember we still exist, and then carry on inside Swipe One. That would take this over the top for now =)
Is there a way to have email templates for one-off emails in the "people" section .. also wondering if there's a way to automatically have email signatures.
And I just noticed you can't attach files in emails either .. is this a feature that's coming?
Q: API Documentation
Is there no way search contacts via http request via API? I can't seem to find that feature. I'm hoping integrations are not only available via Zapier and premade integrations?
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Q: Internal notification emails need to be able to go to ANY specified email please
Internal notification emails need to be able to go to ANY specified email please.
Not just admin users on our Swipe accounts. I need to notify one of our vendors or a VA during an email automation flow to remind them to do things, but they absolutely do NOT need access to our entire CRM and email platform lol
Keep up the good work
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Q: Clickable links inside CRM?
Any URLs inside the CRM Columns should open in a new tab when clicked. Not the little copy paste button.
We have all the customers social profile links added in there.
I need to be able to click their website or social urls & it opens the link or profile in a new tab with one click and then I'll give them a Like or comment, or whatever real quick, so they remember we still exist, and then carry on inside Swipe One. That would take this over the top for now =)
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Q: Email Templates + Signature
Is there a way to have email templates for one-off emails in the "people" section .. also wondering if there's a way to automatically have email signatures.
And I just noticed you can't attach files in emails either .. is this a feature that's coming?
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Q: Do credits rollover from month to month so if I dont use them one month I can use double the next?
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