URL Monitor

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Q: I have several sites that are protected by cloudflare, bots and some countries are blocked there, as well as ...

checking for bots, and for some reason in google search consol sees all the pages from the site map, but your tool does not see any of the urls from the caravan of the site. How can this be solved? And very long support. I only get an answer when I write a comment here.

turvodnikPLUSAug 6, 2024
Founder Team


Aug 6, 2024

A: I'm guessing the actual sitemap is included in the CF protection. Want to drop us an email at support@urlmonitor.com and we can take a look?

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Posted: Aug 6, 2024

I wrote 30.07 that there is a problem on the email and was told 02.08 that the sitemap is under CF, I immediately asked what needs to be done to fix it, but there is still no answer.