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5 stars
5 stars
Member since: Nov 2019Deals bought: 516Posted: Jul 10, 2022

Beautiful, easy and well thought-out

First of all, thank you, Vidjet-Team for coming to Appsumo, and for the generous offer (specially Tier 3)!
For a quick pre-sale test of the Software, I just installed the Vidjet-Plugin from the Wordpress Repository on one of my Sites, and activating it, immediately for my WP Admin Email there was created a free Vidjet Account, so I could just jump in and make a quick Test-Campaign. In no time my Video was uploaded and I could test the functionality of Vidjet, which is well thought-out and very useful. It is dead easy to set up a Campaign, and the possibilities of Vidjet are fun, modern, useful and last but not least: beautiful. Never got a Video up and running in less time! Of course in this quickly created Test-Campaign I still had Vidjet-Branding because it was a free account, but besides of that you can test the full functionality.

So for me this was a clear full-stack. I can see, that they are still working on some Enterprise Features (e.g. Branding-questions), but the Company is trustworthy and Vidjet even now, in a early stage for Enterprise Features, is very solid and promising.

Important for me as European User also was, one more time, that they are fully GDPR-compliant. YEAH! We Europeans love great Software too, but all Software we use has to follow Security-Standards and Data Protection – and that is what Vidjet does!

Last but not least: I looooove Andreeas Explanation Videos! I very much like to watch them :-)

All the best to Vidjet for a great success, and Greetings to Barcelona!

Founder Team


Jul 11, 2022

Hey Ginger 👋

Thanks so much for your awesome review! Our team has worked very hard on the...
