WP Adminify

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I use thrive themes and it did not recognize the folder structure I created, Is there a way to fix...

I use thrive themes and it did not recognize the folder structure I created, Is there a way to fix this or it is just incompatile?

| Deals Bought: 99 | Member Since:
    Liton_WPAdminifyFounder team
    | Member Since:

    Didn't test with Thrive Themes. If you come on our support then definitely we'll take a look and give you the solution.


    Liton_WPAdminifyFounder team
    | Member Since:

    Another Thing, you need to enable Folders for Post Types you want to show.
    It will not automatically show in all post types.
    It's on "WP Adminify>Modules>Folders". Check the Post Types you want to show.
    Hope it will works. If you come on our support it will be better.


    | Deals Bought: 99 | Member Since:

    I appreciate it. I tried and Thrive Themes did not recognize folders.