The demo buttons on our website are now working. You may check them again.
As for the limit, you can specify the social networks for logging in but there is no control to specify the users for login permission. But, we’re always open to suggestions so that we can add value to our users’ lives. So, you’re welcome to add these ideas (and others, if any) to our...
Q: Hello, I would like to know how up to date the plugin is with the social channels available.
Is this plugin is updated with X replacing Twitter? Is sharing on Instagram and Threads?
Q: I was checking the site and I don't see sharing on Instagram, is it possible to share on Instagram?
Thank you.
Q: i've bought Tier2 packages, are you planning to put wp-crowdfunding on appsumo
May 15, 2024A: Sorry, we don't have any plans now.
Q: The demo buttons on your website (https://wpmet.
com/plugin/wp-social/#) don't do anything, they are just linked to the same page.
Are you able to limit which users are able to sign in with social? I only want specific users to have this ability.
May 15, 2024A: Hi there!
The demo buttons on our website are now working. You may check them again.
As for the limit, you can specify the social networks for logging in but there is no control to specify the users for login permission. But, we’re always open to suggestions so that we can add value to our users’ lives. So, you’re welcome to add these ideas (and others, if any) to our...
Q: The icons of facebook and google are not right.
Can I (or you) change them to be like the official ones?
May 15, 2024A: Hi there!
Currently, there’s no option to change the logos of the platforms you mentioned because we are using font icons.