Yay Images Startups
Access over 2 million beautiful stock images, vectors, and videos for free
Stock media is a necessary part of startup life, especially without a team of pro photographers to handle all your random asset needs. (“Get me puppies on bowling balls—STAT!”)
But most stock images are either iffy on the copyright front or super low-quality.
You’re looking for a free solution to all of your stock photo, vector, and video needs to level up that awesome content of yours.
Get stocked and loaded on Yay Images Startups.
Best for
Yay Images Startups is a free library of over 2 million premium stock photos, vectors, and videos to improve your content marketing.
Yay Images offers a staggering collection of 2 million stock assets that you can access for your photo, vector, and video needs.
Yes, you can use them for your business with Yay Images’ flexible licensing, which also provides copyright protection for each asset for some much needed peace of mind.
Download as many of the stock assets as you like—you’re good even if you decide to boost your personal Instagram with sleek pics of pies you totally baked yourself. (#homemade)

Choose from a free library of over 2 million stock assets with flexible licensing!
With all those assets offered, you might be worried about finding the right ones. Don’t be.
Yay Images Startups lets you drag-and-drop photos into the similar image search or filter by text, color, orientation, people, and more.
With new filters recently added, you can now filter by artist and date content was added, plus exclude keywords for a more advanced and refined search.
You’ll also be able to stay organized with custom folders and favorite tags for your content. That’s in addition to the lightning-fast AI search for relevant results in no time.
The Yay Images library is really something to celebrate (emphasis on the “Yay”).

Use similar image search or filter by text, color, orientation, people, artist, and more to find your perfect asset!
Yay images Startups features over 18,000 photographers and videographers, who are constantly adding high-quality content to the library.
But Sumo-lings can also request new content and collections to make the stock assets fit more closely with their specific situation.
Plus, you can get personalized curation based on your own content needs to find what you’re looking for without even searching!
You don’t get this kind of service with paid stock libraries, and Yay Images Startups is serving it all up for the price of a crisp air-five (that is, free).

Request new content and collections, plus get personalized content curations to fit your needs!
All of the assets in the Yay Images Startups library have been curated to bring the best out of your marketing and content campaigns.
You’ll have fresh new videos for your landing pages, clean vectors for better branding, and eye-catching images for those seasonal emails.
No matter what industry your company is in, this collection of millions of assets is sure to have something sweet for your business.

Images are royalty-free and may be used for commercial purposes (both online and print).
There’s no such thing as a free lunch.
But free stock images of an absolutely scrumptious lunch? That’s another story.
Yay Images Startups lets you access over 2 million photos, videos, and vectors, plus make content requests to their team of 18,000 professionals around the world... fo’ free.
Get free access to Yay Images Startups now!
Plans & features
Deal terms & conditions
- FREE lifetime access to Yay Images Startups
- You must redeem your code(s) within 60 days of purchase
- All future plan updates
- Please note: This deal is not stackable
Get access now. Simply redeem the product within 60 days.