

    One-time payment. Lifetime deal.

    Optimize, edit, and store images with this powerful image CDN

    Extended Access to this deal is exclusively available to AppSumo Plus members for a limited time.

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    You can’t expect your site visitors to wait around for your images to load. (“Told them it was a slow-motion reveal feature. They didn't buy it.”)

    Optimizing your images for fast loading times would make a big difference—but only if you can do it without sacrificing image quality.

    Wish there was an image content delivery network that let you automatically optimize, store, and edit your images?

    Make way for PerceptPixel.


    too long didn't read
    Optimize images as well as remove and replace image backgrounds with a single click
    Auto-upload images to a CDN with 192 points of presence globally


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    PerceptPixel is a full-stack image management, storage, and content delivery network (CDN) that helps you create web-optimized images.

    Stop losing site visitors to excruciating load times! PerceptPixel lets you create and upload images to a CDN with 192 points of presence.

    That means you’ll be able to offer fast-loading experiences no matter where your site visitors are based.

    No design experience? Good thing this tool lets you transform and optimize any image with one click.

    Global CDN

    No matter where your site or app visitors are located, they can load your images at warp speed.

    PerceptPixel lets you reduce image file sizes by at least 60% without losing the image quality for turbo-fast loading times.

    Even better, you’ll be able to convert image files to JPEG, PNG, or WEBP without breaking a sweat.

    All you have to do is choose the quality grade for each image—from best, good, auto, and eco—and the algorithm will take care of the rest.

    And if you’re not loving the way the image is looking, you can easily remove the image background in a snap.

    Background removal

    With one click, you can remove any image background and auto-upload the new file to the CDN.

    PerceptPixel lets you resize an image in different dimensions, all while maintaining the original aspect ratio.

    To take things up a notch, you can also replace any image background with a single click.

    This is super useful for getting the most out of your images, without expensive retakes or touch-ups.

    Background replacement

    PerceptPixel lets you replace any image background, cutting down expensive retakes.

    PerceptPixel also lets you auto-generate captions and tags for your images right as you upload them.

    Find the images you need from the search bar, and then share them with anyone via the CDN URL.

    No more searching through documents and screenshots for that one file! This tool lets you sort through all your images right at your fingertips.

    AI caption generator

    Make images easy to find later with auto-tagging and an AI caption generator.

    PerceptPixel lets you optimize, resize, and edit your images, so you can speed up your site’s load time and keep your visitors coming back for more.

    Make your images lightning-fast.

    Get lifetime access to PerceptPixel today!

    From the founders

    From the founder

    Hello Sumolings,

    I am Kaushik, the CEO of Raptorise, a company that builds cutting-edge SaaS products. Today, I unmask our latest offering, Percept Pixel💫

    Now, let's be honest, we've all suffered through the digital equivalent of watching paint dry: waiting for a website to load 🐌. A lot of websites transport you back to the '90s, when images loaded pixel by pixel while you tried to decipher them like some cryptic message from an alien civilization 👽. The worst part is, many website/app owners aren't even aware that a lot of their customers are literally giving up on their websites, probably going to a competitor, causing an unknown amount of revenue loss, because sometimes the pages are deceptively fast on the web owner's network but crawl elsewhere - the classic equivalent to the infamous "but it works on my machine"💻

    Then comes the grand saga of cleaning image backgrounds, a task so daunting it could easily be the plot of a horror movie for designers👩🏼‍🎨. Picture this: a designer, bubbling with creativity and a passion to conquer the world, faces their nemesis—the task of cleaning image backgrounds. Between you and me, they'd rather listen to kitchen utensils clattering than tackle another background cleanup. Then comes the chore of making backgrounds appealing, scouring the digital landscape, trying to find that perfect image, downloading, replacing, not liking, and repeating.

    Meanwhile, in the land of marketing, a similar epic unfolds. Marketers embark on a quest of their own, a quest to find the right images—the ones they're sure they saved somewhere. Was it named img1? Or was it img2? Or perhaps, in a moment of wild creativity, they called it picture1? The possibilities are endless, the file names indistinguishable. They dive into the abyss of their meticulously (un)organized folders. Hours pass, and still, the elusive image remains just out of reach, a legend as inscrutable as the meaning behind img_2_final_finally_final_v2.jpg😰.

    But fear not, for Percept Pixel is here to save the day 🐈

    ✅ An intelligent image CDN with auto-transformations to webp, jpeg, png

    ✅ Generous storage in every tier.

    ✅ Auto background cleanup and replacement.

    ✅ Splash integrations so you can choose your own backgrounds.

    ✅ AI-powered tag and caption generator

    ✅ Wordpress and Chrome plugins.🎉 🎁😻

    Wait, there's more.

    ⭐️ Super intuitive one-click editor making it accessible for everyone.

    ⭐️ Smart search so finding images is a breeze (DAM)

    ⭐️ Custom CDNs so you can turbocharge your SEO.

    ⭐️ API-based transformations (bulk uploads, ahem)

    ⭐️ 192 points of presence: a blazing fast CDN that makes your website load equally fast in the United States as well as in Fiji, and in India and in Finland. You get the drift.

    I invite you to join us on this exhilarating journey with Percept Pixel. Together, we'll not just conquer the digital world; we'll do it with style and speed. Because in the end, isn't life too short for slow-loading digital products?

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