
    Conduit AI Analyst

    One-time payment. Lifetime deal.

    Get insights and answers from your business data with this AI copilot

    When your data is scattered across multiple apps, getting business insights feels like you’re playing with a Magic 8-ball. (“*shakes screen* “Reply hazy, try again.”)

    Since you’re using different types of tools to run your business, you need to figure out how to process all that info across platforms to make strategic decisions.

    If only you had an AI copilot that could plug into live business data and answer any question in plain English.

    Check out Conduit AI Analyst.


    too long didn't read
    Pull data from over 500 popular apps into Google Sheets for AI analysis
    Get answers to simple questions from your data using the ChatGPT-like interface



    Conduit AI Analyst helps you connect and analyze business data, translating it all into meaningful insights that drive growth.

    Integrate over 500 different data sources from multiple categories, like accounting software, advertising platforms, and help desk tools.

    Once you’re connected, you can import all that data to a Google Sheet and let Conduit AI Analyst conduct a deeper analysis.

    The platform also supports multiple accounts per data source, which is perfect for agencies and large companies working with brands.


    Collect data from over 500 different apps, all on one dashboard.

    Take advantage of the ChatGPT-like interface and engage with your data in plain English instructions—no complex coding or prompting required!

    You’ll get straightforward answers to simple questions like “What is my most profitable product?” or “Who has closed the most support tickets in February?”

    Want to be more hands-on with your data? Just tell the AI to generate formulas, pivot tables, charts, and more, and it’ll spring to action.

    AI copilot

    Engage with your data and get direct answers in the ChatGPT-like interface.

    Even better, you can turn your data into custom reports and dashboards that collect and display relevant info.

    And because this platform constantly updates dashboards and reports in real time, you don’t have to worry about data being current.

    Conduit AI Analyst also lets you look at data from different time periods—just choose the preset durations or set a custom time window.

    Custom dashboards

    Create custom dashboards and reports that reveal the information you want at a glance.

    Best of all, you’ll be able to build automated workflows that pull, transform, and export data into tables, saving you tons of time.

    You can schedule workflows to run daily, weekly, or monthly, which is super handy for generating routine reports.

    And since Conduit AI Analyst supports email and Slack notifications, you’ll be pinged as soon as the latest report drops.


    Design automated workflows and set up notifications whenever a process runs.

    With Conduit AI Analyst, you’ll be able to leverage and analyze data across hundreds of apps to make better business decisions.

    Unlock smart business insights.

    Get lifetime access to Conduit AI Analyst today!

    From the founders

    A message from Conduit

    Hello Sumo-lings,

    I’m Max, and I’m thrilled to introduce you to Conduit AI, a project that has been a labor of passion for our dedicated team.

    🚀 Who We Are:

    A team of experienced professionals in crafting innovative SaaS solutions.

    Background in developing data analytics for mobile and web applications

    💡 Why Conduit AI:

    Recognizing the complexities users face in managing and extracting insights from diverse data sources.

    Creating a tool that seamlessly integrates AI-driven insights into data analytics.

    🌐 Our Vision:

    Simplifying and elevating data-driven decision-making for marketers, sales teams, and e-commerce businesses

    Connecting and analyzing data from various platforms, including major CRMs, e-commerce solutions, ad networks, and more.

    🔍 Perfect for Marketing & Ecom Agencies:

    Tailored solutions for agencies looking to optimize data workflows and enhance client services.

    Access to AI-driven insights that revolutionize marketing strategies and e-commerce performance.

    🚀 What Makes Us Unique:

    More than just a tool, Conduit is a strategic partner for anyone seeking efficiency in data workflows.

    Empowering businesses with tools that enhance their operations.

    💬 Why Conduit for You:

    Access to AI-driven insights regardless of technical expertise.

    A community-oriented lifetime deal for growing and thriving together.

    I invite you to explore Conduit, ask questions, and share your feedback. Our team is here to assist you on this exciting journey of optimizing your data insights.

    Warm regards,


    CEO, Conduit AI

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