My Digital CMO

    One-time payment. Lifetime deal.

    Craft your marketing strategy. Created for businesses, consultants, entrepreneurs and agencies.

    Introducing My Digital CMO, your marketing strategy planning tool specifically designed business founders, entrepreneurs, and agencies.

    This unique tool takes marketing a step further by emphasizing strategic planning before diving into tactical execution. It provides a comprehensive solution to establish a brand vision, construct customer personas, and plan your marketing mix. My Digital CMO fosters seamless collaboration and organization among marketing teams, ensuring a smooth workflow and enhanced efficiency.

    The platform also features multi-project organization, allowing users to manage multiple projects in a single hub effortlessly. It's globally friendly too, with availability in 9 different languages including German, French, Korean, and Spanish, making it a versatile choice for international teams.

    Designed with the user in mind, MDC makes marketing strategy, systematic, and more effective. It's not just a tool, it's your partner in empowering your brand and reaching your marketing goals.

    Plan strategically, execute tactically, and witness your business growth with My Digital CMO.


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    Visually Plan your Marketing Activities (Tactics)

    As a marketing professional, you understand the critical role of strategic planning in translating marketing activities into tangible results. With MDC, we place an uncompromising emphasis on strategic planning.

    One key feature, the Marketing Mix Kanban Board helps you map out, track and manage all your marketing activities across the marketing funnel, offering a clear, real-time picture of your marketing activities.

    Whether it's content marketing, social media, or email marketing strategies, the Kanban board allows you to visually organize your activities, identify gaps, and ensure that all your marketing activities are aligned with your overall marketing goals.

    Deliver strategically with Action Items

    After you have a defined marketing strategy in place, the next phase is executing or delivering that strategy. This involves several stages, including content creation, task delegation, tracking progress, and measuring results.

    1. Action Items (above): This tool allows you to assign and create strategic marketing tasks to your team members in line with your marketing objectives and goals. By efficiently delegating tasks, you can ensure that every team member is working on what they're best at, boosting productivity and the overall effectiveness of your marketing strategy.

    2. Marketing Calendar: This tool helps you keep track of all marketing activities, deadlines, and upcoming events. It gives you a clear overview of your marketing schedule, helping you manage your time more efficiently and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.

    3. AI Content Generator: This tool helps you create high-quality, engaging content for your marketing activities. By understanding your audience's needs and preferences, the AI Content Generator can produce content that resonates with your audience, improves engagement, and drives conversions.

    Evaluate, refine and continue.

    The next crucial phase is evaluation. This stage is vital as it determines whether the strategy is effective in reaching your aspirational goals, SMART objectives, and meeting the desired KPIs or metrics. It provides an insight into your performance and offers an opportunity for strategy refinement.

    Evaluation and refinement are continuous processes. They help in identifying areas of strength and weakness, enabling you to optimize your strategies and make necessary adjustments for better performance and results. Without proper evaluation, you may continue to invest in strategies that aren't effective, wasting valuable resources.

    MDC allows for systematic monitoring of progress towards your goals and objectives. It helps you quantify your performance and gives a clear idea of where you stand.

    Evaluation is not just about measuring success or failure. It's about learning, adapting, and improving. It's what keeps your marketing strategy dynamic, effective, and relevant in an ever-changing market.

    Customize all aspects of your Marketing Strategy including Marketing Channels and your Marketing Funnel.

    Uniqueness is key for every business. With MDC's flexible marketing funnel, you can customize aspects to suit the needs of each business (above). Additional tools available on our Team plan include setting a custom domain to designing the header with your brand's colors and logos, you can make your portal truly representative of your business. This adaptability ensures that your marketing strategies align with your business model, creating a cohesive and effective marketing approach. Embrace the power of customization, and create a marketing funnel that truly reflects your vision and business goals.

    Marketing Calendar

    Your marketing calendar provides a visual representation of your brand's overall marketing activities. It gives you a clear picture of your planning and scheduling, making it easier to manage your marketing strategy. Once a task is scheduled, it will be displayed on the calendar. This allows you to check it daily, ensuring that nothing is missed.

    The calendar also lets you mark tasks as complete (using right click), offering a visual representation of your progress. You can schedule and assign events directly from the calendar, making it a centralized tool for all your marketing activities.

    In MDC you can schedule Campaigns, Marketing Activities, Actions, Content and KPI reviews.

    There are also different views that you can use to display calendar events by day, week and month in a grid or list format.

    From the founders

    Exciting Improvements to MDC Based on Your Feedback!

    Hey Sumolings! 👋

    We've got some exciting news for you! Following the valuable feedback from our Sumoling community , we've been busy working to enhance and expand the capabilities of MDC.

    Our goal has always been to ensure that MDC is as user-friendly, consistent, and flexible as possible while being a supportive tool for your marketing strategies. And that's what we've focused on with this new set of updates. We've launched an upgraded version of our Brand Values and added some cool new features that we hope you'll love, including AI Suggestions, User-generated Templates and Language Translations. These features are now part of MDC, and we can't wait for you to give them a spin!

    But this is just the beginning! We're on a mission to make MDC even better for you. And will keep you in the loop with all the latest improvements and additions.

    Your thoughts and opinions mean the world to us, so keep those suggestions coming. Thank you for your support and for being a vital part of our App Sumo community!

    Stay tuned for more updates!



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