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    An app that converts documents to audiobooks in 70+ languages and has 500+ premium voices

    Introducing DocTunes, the revolutionary app that transforms written words into captivating audiobooks, supporting over 70 languages and featuring an impressive array of 500+ premium voices.

    With DocTunes, literature comes to life like never before, making the joy of storytelling accessible to all.


    too long didn't read
    Convert texts, PDFs, images to speech in 70+ languages with 500+ voices using DocTunes
    Publish document or images and convert them into audiobooks (using human-like voices) in their native language



    Multitaskers can rejoice -- DocTunes was made for people just like you! ;)

    Imagine effortlessly converting your favorite books, articles, or documents into melodious audio narrations.

    Now imagine that these same narrations are voiced by professionals in a language that resonates with your heart.

    This is the power of DocTunes.

    The DocTunes UX is simple but powerful, allowing for anyone to get started on the app with ease.

    Whether you're a voracious reader, a student seeking a new way to study, or simply someone who craves the magic of storytelling, DocTunes empowers you to embark on an auditory adventure like never before.

    Dive into the world of DocTunes and experience the beauty of literature in a whole new dimension, where the written word becomes a symphony of voices, transporting you to distant lands and captivating your imagination.

    With over 70+ languages available, translation and global dissemination has never been easier to achieve.

    Why DocTunes?

    Easy to use

    DocTunes is built by taking consideration for each and every in person in any age groups for ease of use.


    DocTunes is built fully customizable in nature. You can customize the speed of the voice output along with pitch too.

    Powerful AI

    DocTunes also have a strong Al for converting your documents to audio based on your preferred language.

    Even the speed and pitch options are completely customizable to suit your specific needs and preferences.

    Simple UX

    DocTunes has a great UI/UX designed for a smooth experience for its users. Being simple and smooth, it also delivers fast and responsive results for its users.

    Multi Language

    With DocTunes, now users can convert any language to any other language. And thus defeating the language barrier, DocTunes stands above all other audiobooks available.

    Different Voices

    DocTunes offers different voice outputs for different languages. Now users can even listen to their documents in different voices for their own comfortability.

    Custom Playback

    Set your preferred playback settings with DocTunes. Users are able to change speed, voice, and even the pitch of the voice for their comfortability while hearing with DocTunes.

    Enjoy access to an impressive arsenal of human-like voices.

    Join us on this journey where words become music, and knowledge becomes an enchanting melody with DocTunes.

    Get access now!

    From the founders

    Hey Sumo-ling community! πŸŽ‰

    I'm Dewang Bhardwaj, the brain behind DocTunes πŸš€. Back in 2021, I set out on a mission fueled by a personal struggle and a common challenge many of us face: keeping up with the endless stream of digital and physical content. The idea for DocTunes sparked from a need to consume vast amounts of information efficiently and the desire to break down language barriers, making content accessible and enjoyable for everyone, everywhere. Our service transforms any text into captivating audiobooks in over 40 languages with more than 400 premium voices, ensuring your documents are never just sitting on your to-do list again. πŸ“šπŸŒ

    DocTunes is here to fit into your life perfectly, turning your unread documents into engaging audio experiences you can enjoy while multitasking. Whether you're on the move, hitting the gym, or just kicking back at home, DocTunes is your go-to for making the most out of your time and expanding your horizons, no matter the language. 🎧✈️ For any questions or just to chat, drop us a line at

    Warmest regards,

    Dewang Bhardwaj

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