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    Use IG & TikTok for UGC tracking; sync followers into Klaviyo for Email & SMS communication

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    Reflys is a comprehensive platform designed to enhance your Instagram & TikTok marketing efforts. It seamlessly connects to your business IG & Tiktok account, providing robust user-generated content (UGC) tracking with mentions, & stories, and converting followers to email & SMS lists, integrated with Auto-Reply & custom inbox solution for IG Direct Messages (DMs).

    Reflys helps you to automate your Klaviyo flows, it ensures that your profile updates, mentions, and e-commerce orders are seamlessly synced to Klaviyo. This automation streamlines your workflow, allowing you to focus on engaging with your audience and growing your brand.

    It also helps you to customize your email campaigns in Klaviyo to engage more effectively with influencers and gain followers. By leveraging the event data synced from your IG & TikTok account, you can tailor your emails to resonate with your audience, driving higher engagement and conversions.


    too long didn't read
    Convert Instagram and TikTok followers to email and SMS lists
    Manage user-generated content with Klaviyo integration for email and SMS communication



    Pricing Rules and Segmentation

    Reflys helps you to generate codes for Shopify or WooCommerce, as well as a customized set of pricing rules for different segments, products, collections, code personalization options, etc.

    It also helps to adjust different discount types, usage limits, and validations rules.

    Plus, it gives the options to set activation and expiration dates.

    Coupon & Sales Tracking

    Reflys helps to track your sales using discount codes for your Shopify or WooCommerce-connected stores.

    It starts generating when it matches with a segment & tracks the number of orders generated for specific codes.

    Instagram Messages & Auto-Reply

    It helps you to Connect with your IG Business Profile.

    Moreover, it also helps to initiate real-time communication when someone Direct Messages (DMs) your business and enables an Auto-Reply feature, allowing you to set up automatic replies for DMs and story mentions.

    It provides a custom inbox solution where you can efficiently manage and resolve customer queries.

    This feature streamlines the support process, helping you provide effective and timely assistance to your customers.

    Automation Tools

    Reflys provides a powerful automation tool for marketing success by building the email & phone number lists effortlessly.

    It helps to connect with Klaviyo for email and SMS marketing and provide basic flow triggers.

    The event triggers when someone mentions in posts, reels, and stories, order placements, and profile updates.

    It helps to ensure that you have access to a wide range of data points to tailor your marketing campaigns effectively.

    Utilize IG and TikTok for tracking & managing user-generated content (UGC).

    It helps you to Connect with your IG Business & TikTok Profiles, and tacks user-generated content (UGC).

    It starts tracking when someone mentions your business IG or TikTok handlers into a posts, reels, or stories.

    Reflys also provides a comprehensive profile tracking for IG and insights into the latest posts, including comments, likes, and engagement rates.

    These insights helps you to understand your audience and how they are interacting with your content.

    Get access to Reflys today!

    From the founders

    A message from Reflys

    What's up, Sumo-lings!

    This is Zain from

    In the fast-paced world of social media marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. That's why we're thrilled to introduce you to Reflys, a game-changing platform designed to supercharge your Instagram and TikTok marketing strategies.

    Reflys isn't just another tool; it's a comprehensive solution crafted to elevate your marketing efforts on two of the most influential platforms today. By seamlessly integrating with your business Instagram and TikTok accounts, Reflys empowers you with a suite of powerful features to enhance engagement, track user-generated content (UGC), and streamline your workflow like never before.

    One of Reflys' standout features is its robust user-generated content (UGC) tracking capabilities. With the ability to monitor mentions and stories across both Instagram and TikTok, you'll never miss an opportunity to leverage authentic content created by your audience.

    Plus, with integrated Auto-Reply and a custom inbox solution for Instagram Direct Messages (DMs), engaging with your audience has never been easier.

    But Reflys doesn't stop there. It goes above and beyond to integrate seamlessly with Klaviyo, a leading marketing automation platform. By automating your Klaviyo flows, Reflys ensures that your profile updates, mentions, and e-commerce(Ability to Connect with Woocommerce or Shopify) orders are effortlessly synced, streamlining your workflow and freeing up valuable time to focus on what matters most – engaging with your audience and growing your brand.

    What sets Reflys apart is its ability to help you tailor your email campaigns in Klaviyo to engage more effectively with influencers and gain followers. By leveraging event data synced from your Instagram and TikTok accounts, you can create personalized emails that resonate with your audience, driving higher engagement and conversions.

    In essence, Reflys is a powerful tool that helps you maximize the potential of your Instagram and TikTok marketing efforts. Whether you're a seasoned marketer looking to optimize your strategies or a budding entrepreneur seeking to make a splash on social media, Reflys has everything you need to succeed.

    Join us on this exciting journey and discover how Reflys can take your Instagram and TikTok marketing to new heights.

    Here's to unlocking your full potential on social media! You can reach me at for any questions or help.




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