
    SellMeThisPen AI

    Lifetime deal

    Leverage AI sales coaching, realistic role-play, and real-time assistance to nail your next sales call

    Extended Access to this deal is exclusively available to AppSumo Plus members for a limited time.

    If you are not an AppSumo Plus member, you can join now and purchase this deal before Extended Access ends.

    No matter how flashy your sales deck is, it’s not going to be able to literally speak for you. (“But I color-coded my pie charts and everything!”)

    In addition to sharing visuals, you’ve also got to talk about important stats, take detailed notes, and not let your nerves distract you from closing.

    Good thing there’s a tool that can prep you for every sales call using practice scenarios, AI coaching, and detailed feedback.

    Meet SellMeThisPen AI.


    too long didn't read
    Role-play different scenarios with realistic, conversational AI buyers to prepare for real sales calls
    Leverage real-time assistance during your calls, let AI take your notes, and get immediate feedback



    SellMeThisPen AI is the AI sales coach that uses role-play, note-taking, and real-time assistance to help you close more deals.

    SellMeThisPen AI lets you role-play different sales scenarios with realistic, conversational AI buyers to prepare you for anything.

    The AI will set up scenarios based on your product and Ideal Customer Profile, so your practice sessions feel like the real deal.

    That means you can practice your pitch and handle objections for any kind of call to confidently close more deals.

    AI role-play

    Role-play different scenarios with realistic, conversational AI buyers to prepare for real sales calls.

    With real-time AI assistance for every call, you’ll never get tongue-tied or lose track of what you’re supposed to say.

    The AI will automatically flag if you’re talking too much or interrupting prospects. It’ll even help you overcome objections before the call ends!

    Get access to pre-built playbooks that implement the best sales practices—or you can upload your own tried-and-true playbooks.

    Real-time AI assistance

    With real-time AI assistance, you’ll always ask the right questions and overcome objections.

    SellMeThisPen AI also gives you actionable feedback and a call score for real sales calls and role-play sessions.

    This information reveals what’s working for you and what you can improve, ensuring that every call ends with a sale.

    Thanks to all this hands-on AI coaching, you can become an expert closer and knock your KPIs out of the park.

    AI feedback

    This AI coach gives you actionable feedback and scores for both real or practice calls.

    Stop trying to multitask during your calls! Let AI take all your notes so you can focus on steering the conversation forward.

    You’ll even get a detailed summary with important talking points and a full transcript that you can refer back to.

    SellMeThisPenAI even lets you sync call notes to your CRM, making it easy to keep your records up-to-date.

    AI call summary

    Get an AI-generated summary with important talking points and sync it to your CRM.

    With SellMeThisPen AI’s realistic role-play, real-time assistance, and expert coaching, you can nail every sales call from here on out.

    Close more deals.

    Get lifetime access to SellMeThisPen AI today!

    From the founders

    More languages for AI roleplay

    Hola, amigos de habla hispana 👋🌟🔥

    You guessed it, right?

    Super pumped to share this update because it will make a lot of you guys smile :)

    We just released Spanish (BETA) for roleplays!!!

     But please read until the end so we will be on the same page.

    It's still in BETA, so imperfections are expected. We can't guarantee the same level of AI accuracy as the English version.

    Spanish is only added to roleplays. Real-time assistance and post-call functionalities are still only available in English, as are the scorecards and all UI on the platform.

    Although we think Spanish is such a beautiful language, guess what? None of us speak or understand Spanish, so we won't be able to assist with Spanish support tickets. Of course, we'll use a translator if needed, but keep in mind that our main support is in English.

    Check out more details on how to activate Spanish here -> https://intercom.help/sellmethispen-ai/en/articles/9204474-spanish-for-ai-roleplays

    Adding Spanish is our first step to test out additional languages. Let's see how things go, and we might add other languages 💪

    We built this fast to show you we care about you, and we will improve SellMeThisPen for our Sumo-lings. Our AppSumo deal will expire soon, so for those who might need an additional language, this might be a good time to invest in our LTDs because guess what, your language might be the next one we release! 🚀

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