Data Studies

Email Marketing Trends 2020 📈

With 70,000,000+ emails from 18,000+ customers on SendFox, we’ve researched and analyzed the TOP email marketing trends.

What makes emails great, what tings the BEST senders do, and more.

Here’s what we found…

Gmail: The Email Standard for Email Users

The Email Standard for Email Users

The graph above shows our users’ domain breakdown. Gmail is hands-down the most popular option with our customers.

Gmail is dominating the market and has become the email standard for email users.

Knowing this will help you improve your deliverability.

Make sure to test your emails heavily with Gmail. Their spam filters can be aggressive and this is a great way to learn more about it.

We’ve talked to the Gmail Anti-Spam team, and one pro-tip we can share with you is that when emails are sent and they’re repeatedly outside of industry standards, Gmail has and will blacklist not only the sending IP but the entire domain.

One of the key techniques of staying within industry standards is sending to your active contacts, this means subscribers that have opened and clicked on your emails.

This is personally what we do at Sumo Group for all our emails across all our brands, so we know it works and it’s a best practice.

Subscribers Don’t Want to Open Emails on Saturdays and Sundays

The treemap below shows the open rates in SendFox during April 2020. The larger the box, the higher the open rate and vice versa.

open rates in SendFox during April 2020
Treemap displaying SendFox’s highest open rates in April 2020

As you’ve probably guessed from the heading and noticed in the graph above, the days with the lowest open rates are Saturdays and Sundays. It looks like most people want to disconnect from their inboxes on the weekend!

Wednesdays had the largest open rates among subscribers. The data also showed that other popular days to open emails include Tuesdays and Fridays.

Keep in mind that this is what we’ve noticed from SendFox customers and might not be representative of your industry.

Send Your Emails Before Lunchtime for the Best Results

The first graph shows SendFox email opens per hour. The second one tracks email clicks per hour.

SendFox email opens per hour.

SendFox email opens per hour.

SendFox email clicks per hour.

SendFox email clicks per hour.

These were the dates and times that achieved the highest open and click rates:

April 1st. 3:00 PM

April 8th. 12:00 PM

April 15th. 12:00 PM

April 22nd. 4:00 PM

April 29th. 12:00 PM

The data shows that subscribers prefer to read emails at noon or early afternoon.

So you want to make sure that your email has landed in the inbox before lunchtime.

Most Email Marketers Have Set up an Automation

In the first four months of 2020, we had more than 6,500 people sign-up to SendFox. Approximately 4,000 (62%) of those contacts currently have an active automation.


As the number of email marketers joining SendFox grows, so does the number of emails sent using automations.

Graph tracking the number of emails sent using SendFox’s automations.

Graph tracking the number of emails sent using SendFox’s automations.

Automations are popular because it’s a great way to engage with your audience and doesn’t require any effort once it’s been set up. It will also help improve your open rate.

At SendFox, we’ve made it even easier for our users to create an automation. Using the automation assistant, you can create a welcome series in less than 5 minutes!

Tips From SendFox’s BEST Senders

We measure the success of a sender by looking at their email stats and subscriber engagement.

Our best senders have an open rate of 30% or higher!

Here are what our BEST senders have in common:

  1. Keep their emails short and simple.
  2. Have an active welcome automation series which includes lead magnets like a PDF or ebook.
  3. A constant flow of new subscribers added to their mailing lists.
  4. Focus on sending emails to active subscribers.
  5. Send at least one email per week.

Main Takeaways From Our Data

In this blog, you’ve learned about the latest email marketing trends and what the BEST senders on SendFox are doing.

Here are the main takeaways of email marketing trends:

  1. Gmail is dominating the email users industry. Test heavily to make sure your emails are not getting caught by Gmail’s spam filter.
  2. Subscribers prefer reading your emails during the week, especially Wednesday lunchtime.
  3. Set up an automation. For best results, include a lead magnet.

Now it’s time for you to take action and apply what you’ve learned.

Still not on SendFox? Get your lifetime deal here.

Still not impressed? Check out this 2020’s Buyer’s Guide to Email Marketing Software and find the best solution for you.

Samantha Candanedo
Account Executive at Figma based in London. Through her work, Samantha helps teams build better products.
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