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Member since: Sep 2015Deals bought: 56
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Sep 19, 2019

Promising but over-stretched?

I'm not interested in the web hosting. This puts me at odds with most of the 5 taco reviews I've been reading.
I just need a central place to manage backups and updates - anything more is a bonus.
10web promises it can take care of backups and updates from a central dashboard. It doesn't deliver.
To backup sites each and every one has to be clicked into from the dashboard before you can click the backup button.
I've been waiting for over 24 hours for some backups to complete - backup is incremental so should speed up - but 24 hours!!?? Just as well I didn't set it to happen daily...
Backups can be automated so shouldn't prove a problem until I want to check if all my sites are backed up and then the clickathon begins again.
Updates work in the same way - no list of all the plugins needing updated - just manual checking of every site.
I'm assuming this will be fixed at some point but I can't see where this is stated.
This lack of consideration for what a user might experience is evident elsewhere eg clicking on the update link for a plugin from within the wordpress site takes doesn't update the plugin! It takes you to 10web and not even the update page. This adds confusion and clicks to something wordpress has sorted. Why 10web would choose to break a functioning system is beyond me.
I'm hoping 10web listen. I've submitted a ticket and I'll see if their help is of any use.
In the meantime I'm regretting moving sites over from malcare - malcare saves me time. 10web costs me.
