Q: 1) It's difficult to grasp the complete features and flow of your product with these screenshots.
I urge you to create and share a full video walkthrough of a project. The key phrase in selling is "don't make me think" even for things that require thought ;-)
2) from your comments, it sounds like if I buy now, and then you add AI features, I'd have to abandon this purchase and buy again?
3) why not let us connect our 2quiet account to OpenAI plus to power it with our own paid accounts (no compute costs to you)?
4) as of this writing, your mastodon link is not working: https://m.bohlenlabs.com/@2quiet2market
May 14, 2024A: Hello SumoLee,
thanks for your questions. Here are your answers:
1) The videos
These videos exist.
On the homepage, right at the top, under the headlines, there is a button that says "Watch video".
On the blog of the product (see https://2quiet2market.com/blog), there are more videos. If you like, watch these two longer walkthroughs:
- https://2quiet2market.com/blog/trm-e05-free-marketing-model-for-seomatic-ai/
- https://2quiet2market.com/blog/build-in-public-week-8-software-demo-on-twitch/
And when you create a free account and login, there are a lot of step-by-step videos on the product's Dashboard, on the dashboard tab called "Click demos":
- https://2quiet2market.com/app/dashboard/click-demos
To understand the complete flow of the product, you can read about the SPME marketing habit:
- https://2quiet2market.com/blog/spme-marketing-habit-for-solopreneurs-who-have-other-things-to-do-besides-marketing/
And of course, there is the complete user documentation here:
- https://2quiet2market.com/docs/
If you like, you can also click on the "Community" menu within the free version of the app, and become a member of the 2Quiet2Market online community. You can ask all your questions there and get help. The community server runs on Discourse and has a single-sign-on with your 2Quiet2Market account.
2) and 3)
There will be no AI in the Pro version of this product, so your purchase here will remain valid, no need to abandon it. I am currently unbundling the AI functions from the 2Quiet2Market Advanced plan (which is not on sale here on AppSumo) and will put them into other, different products because 2Quiet2Market Pro is already so large that people begin to find it confusing. I will stop "making people think", and I will unbundle the Advanced product into smaller products that are easier to understand. The Pro version that you buy here on AppSumo remains as it is and will not be unbundled.
Ask me more on Twitter about this.
My Mastodon server has a problem. I will investigate that. I will continue to use Twitter @bohlenlabs account.
Hope this helps. Enjoy 2Quiet2Market and, maybe see you in the online community?
"There will be no AI in the Pro version of this product, so your purchase here will remain valid, no need to abandon it." - was this a serious response or were you being cheeky? Why would a customer want to use a watered down version WITHOUT Ai. It's ALL about Ai right now. I bought it, now refunding it. Very odd strategic move on your end.