Q: I am trying out the demo at the moment and I have a few questions and feature requests.
1) When selecting the time period for the stats, a "yesterday" feature would be nice. I think this is the most popular choice for most people but this is exactly the time frame that is missing from the drop down
2) I don't think the average session length is showing the correct number. My sites usually have 1 minute length but your app shows 22 minutes.
3) Could you add a feature where we can see the overall stats for all sites on one page? I have many small sites and I would like to see all daily stats for all pages on one page without opening each report separately.
For example the "Websites" page could show a list with all sites, the traffic so far for today and the traffic of yesterday (maybe a small graph that shows the evolution of the current month).
Let me know if you can implement these.
Jul 9, 2024A: Thanks Champ, this is the feedback I like to receive when building out Abralytics. Can you please add those comments/requests here so I have them on the roadmap?