Q: Keyword spamming if once in Title, H1, and paragraph, better chance at 8-10 or KW in the H1 and paragraph better?
I sent via email as well but I think posting on AppSumo gives you more visibility:
Will it look like keyword spamming if I have it once in the Title, H1, and paragraph on the landing page, increasing my chances of scoring 8-10 compared to just being in the H1 and paragraph?
Can I use your JS version and WP plugin simultaneously? Are there no issues with doing this? It is working.
As I said, I can change the visible Page title on the page with the JS code, and for everything else on the page, I insert DKI with shortcodes from your WP Plugin. However, as you stated, I can't change the Title within the browser tab.
Jan 5, 2025A: Hi there. I don't think that would be seen as Keyword spamming, although it is a black box so you can never be sure. Seems pretty reasonable to me.
You can use multiple plug-ins at once. The WP one is better because it's server side. However, the JS one has the geo replacement on the page as well which could be helpful for conversions.