Q: Hey, amazing Sumo-ling community!

This is Simon from Afi.to!

We started back in 2018 and since then our product allowed to build multiple communities of thousands of people! It has proven that people act on incentives!

The deal that we have prepared with you gives you 10 times more marketing actions that members can execute per month, whilst the limit of members is 3 times higher (3000) than in the standard package for....10% of the price.

- If you would like to see an example of a configured workspace, try out https://afidemo.afidesk.com/users/sign_up

- There is a help section available once you create your own workspace

- And a chat button if you don't find the answers you were looking for.

You can reach us at sb@afi.to
You can also check out website, https://afi.to

Szymon_AfitoNov 16, 2020
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