Agency Handy

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Q: Internal and customers notification for yearly renew contracts

1) For yearly renew contracts, is it possibile to send agency internal notification X days in advance? Is it possibile to send the notification (with a custom template) directly to the customer? i.e. domain renewal or yearly maintenance plan. Avoiding having to discontinue the service because the customer did not pay on time.

Useful also turn on/off the customer notification (low ticket service = auto notify, hi ticket service we prefer contact customer directly) Have you thought about this kind of notification?

2) Do you have a roadmap/changelog of future developments?
3) How does the ticketing part work? ideally, we would create tickets by hooking up a custom e-mail address of our own, example so that we can invite customers to send requests to this specific address.

mattia33Mar 15, 2025
Founder Team


Mar 15, 2025

A: Yeah you can send custom reminders for each subscription

Link to our roadmap:

Tickets are now platform dependant as in clients will have to log in and create tickets. We have plans of linking it to emails soon

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