Q: Workspaces
I'm interested, but it is a weird thing to go from 0 workspaces on T2 to 5 workspaces on T3. As a solopreneur I only need 1 and I ideally don't want to pay for 5 to get the privilege of a domain/whitelabel.
If you were to bring 1-2 workspace to T2 (which brings with it the domain, WL and email), then I will definitely purchase the deal and give it a try. As it is now, I see T3 as an overkill for the price - paying extra for the workspaces I don't need.
There will be many solopreneur's in my position on Appsumo. Furthermore, you said in another comment that workspaces cost you - so it makes even more sense to have a plan with fewer than 5 workspaces for those who don't need that many and lower your costs at the same time.
Feb 24, 2025A: I hear you. It's just a decision we made to keep the custom domain bit on the higher price points. I'll see if anything can still be done but not sure
Same here
I strongly agree too
+1 for 1-2 workspaces to T2 (domain, WL and email).
That decision Rashik is costing you sales unfortunately.
Absolutely, I agree with your perspective! Let me share another angle: we offer two tiers so everyone can explore our features without any risk. Once users see the value, they have the option to upgrade. Unlike many competitors who don’t even include a custom domain in their basic monthly package, our lifetime deal ensures you get full functionality from the start.
Our pricing is designed to build trust and meet the needs of everyone—from those new to custom domains to those ready to expand their online presence.
How will the workspaces work together though? I have 2 brands but my invoice numbering needs to come from 1 source ( reason is because I'm self employed ). Example: brand 1, invoice #1, brand 2: invoice #2, brand 1: invoice #3
Right now, we won't be able to merge invoice numbers of 2 different workspaces really. Can add it to our roadmap
Please do, I'll check back with you when we can either have 1 source for invoice numbering or the option to pick invoice templates on a customer basis.
I also strongly agree.

Verified purchaser
My thoughts exactly

Verified purchaser
Update: I decided to go with T3 because I was looking for a solution for both myself and my husband. I learned that each workspace can have its own email, domain, and Stripe account connected so it's a 2-for-1 or even 3. We can each add 4 team members in addition to ourselves. Pricing model isn't smart, but works for me.
TLDR; if you find someone to split the cost of T3, you can share it!
I'm very interested in your platform. However, the ability to white label (custom domain, email, etc.) at the lower tiers, which match my needs, is a non-starter. If your goal is to ensure business owners see the value of your product, your pricing and options are significantly misaligned.
I am on the fence about buying because of this issue
That's my thought as well. The lack of custom email, domain, white label, and workspace in tiers 1 & 2 is a no-no for me. I always start out with Tier 1 and upgrade if I like it.

I almost bought this deal, but the pricing model doesn't work for solopreneurs like me, unfortunately. Too bad, looks like a solid product. $409 for WL and Custom domain features?
For anyone who's on the fence and don't want to spend so much, happy to get you onboard on a monthly deal with a big discount. You won't have to spend more than $25-30/month and you'll be secured too.
You are on the wrong platform advertising. Appsumo customers don't pay monthly for software; we purchase software that serves purposes for our business.
Please share the specifics on this alternative option. Thanks!
I just provided an alternative. I'm not advertising anything. We are 1/3rd into the campaign so don't think packages will change much. If someone doesn't want to pay a lot upfront, fair enough that's the other option. If that too doesn't work, that's completely fine too. I can understand that pov as well.
Same comment as others
I agree, if this doesn't change it's pretty much useless without suggested additions. Anyone know of something similar that already has these?
same here dude - im alone but need domain wl and email
Agreed! T1 1 workspace, T1 2 workspaces would be GREAT

Verified purchaser
I’m on the fence as well. The product looks awesome but without domain, email and white label it’s really a no go for me as well. I’d happily pay more for this option …even a little more than tier 2… but not $409. Like almost everyone here, I’m a solo flyer as well.
You can take a MRR instead which will be cost around 69$. We may offer some discount too as an appreciate token. Only if you think the price is too high. In our all MRR packages cd and wl is available.

Verified purchaser
I really do appreciate you coming in with the special offer on the MRR…you must be sick of responding to this thread. But all of us here on AppSumo are really here for LTD. I can tell you that it’s rare to find so many comments here on one particular subject, so it indicates you’d get a huge bump in sales if you released a special single workspace, custom domain, email & white label offer.

Verified purchaser
Thanks again for the special MRR offer but I’m really here for LTD. You clearly have a great product. I can’t recall seeing so many comments on a single thread. Please consider an LTD option under tier 3 that includes domain l, email & WL. You’ll be well supported in sales, I’m certain.
Totally agree with this comment. Because of this limitation, it's a 100% no from me.

Verified purchaser
An user posted this: "I decided to go with T3 because I was looking for a solution for both myself and my husband. I learned that each workspace can have its own email, domain, and Stripe account connected so it's a 2-for-1 or even 3. We can each add 4 team members in addition to ourselves." If 5 of us get an agreement, would be ok if we split T3 in 5?