Very good with tot of potential, almost mature...
I love the clean and simple interface! And the functions seems to be a perfect match for me in my small business as an IT-artist (WISP, Webdesign, Support both by hour and by subscribtion, Webhotel hosting etc.).
The whitelabeling together with multiple workspaces and my native language Danish available made this an obvious opportunity for me!
I most say, however, that I was expecting things to be a bit more "mature". I ran into some technical issues (errors and missing function) but their support was fast, competent and smooth. Orvi was really good at finding the issues and fixing them almost real-time. Absolutely astonning! Thanks!
Also I realized that there were many errors/misunderstandings in the danish language layer. I invested some time to go through their (ai produced) languagefile, and Orvi deployed my correction right after getting them. What a good cooperation :-)
There are still some corrections to do, but I feal confident with Orvi and Rashid, as they are ambitious and super competent, with a nice positive attitude.
Agency Handy can really become "the greatest", and I want to rely my business on it. And at the same time serving my costumers in a sleek, efficient and modern way!
All in all a great deal!
4 Tacos for how it is now, and 1 extra taco for the future of tomorrow!
Mar 7, 2025You've been a great help for us. Love the inputs you've put in. We strive to improve everyday and people like you help us immensely in that journey