Q: Accounts being banned? Have you solved the issue?

I am hesitant to buy this because of all the reviews saying that their account has been banned. Have you figured out why this is happening? I've been building my network for decades and cannot jeopardize my reputation if you think that there's still a possibility that I might get in trouble with LinkedIn.

livia.toancaJan 3, 2025
Founder Team


Jan 4, 2025

A: Hey livia.toanca, thanks for the question.

It's important to know the difference between account banning and account flagging. None of the accounts logged in via Aimfox were banned or suspended indefinitely. They received warning for using LinkedIn automation tools, or were flagged for not being able to use their account for 14-30 days.

It's also important to note that these issues will most likely happen to new, previously inactive, or "shady" (e.g. purchased) accounts.

Our dev team is always doing their best to stay on top of LinkedIn's alghorithms, and we have introduced many features to stay compliant with LinkedIn usage guidelines and limits. Some of them are:
- Interaction limits kept at 100/week, with Activity control settings access if you wish to manage them yourself.
- Login proxy support for 60+ countries.
- Chrome extension for better session management.

I hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions - about security, or anything else!

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Posted: Jan 5, 2025

Login proxy support for 60+ countries. Is South Africa one of these?