Q: Is Albato Able to open a webpage, insert several data, click on things and download the pdf
Dear Albato team
I was wondering if albato is able to open a webpage to create a QR invoice to fill out a form with predefined values and click on a button and download the pdf on google drive.
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Dec 2, 2024A: Hey there!
Our platform connects different cloud applications, based on certain events. For example: when something happens in app X, a trigger is activated on the platform and you can automatically perform an action in app Y, as previously configured.
With this in mind, you would need to have specific applications to be used at each stage: service with data origin information, form, and invoice creation.
Google Drive is already available from Albato - https://albato.com/apps/googledrive
If the other apps used are integrated into our platform, we can use them to structure automation. Otherwise, we can check the possibility of implementing it!