Q: Why did you remove me from the discord community?
Was my question about the roadmap and June 30 a mistake?

Jul 3, 2024A: Hi there,
We already answered you on our Support live chat. Our moderators may ban you from our Discord server if your question or comment is not related to the channel's intended purpose. If you have asked a question related to our AppSumo deals, please do it here, on the questions section of our deal page. This helps keep our Discord channels organized and focused on topics relevant to all users. Additionally, our team monitors the questions section of our deal page closely, ensuring you receive a timely and accurate response.

Verified purchaser
They also removed me from the Discord community for asking a similar question before, and I was very surprised when they replied to me with "Foul Language" and asked me to shut up when I asked for support through email.
We take all concerns seriously, but we also have strict guidelines to ensure respectful and constructive communication. Our support team strives to maintain professionalism in all interactions, and we have no record of using foul language or asking anyone to "shut up."
If you were removed from the Discord community, it would have been for repeated violations of our community guidelines. We encourage everyone to keep discussions relevant to the channel's intended purpose to maintain a helpful environment for all users. If you have specific concerns, please share them with us, and we will address them appropriately.

Verified purchaser
Is asking about upcoming updates a violation of the guidelines? I was removed from the Discord after posing this question. I have an email record that includes the use of foul language and a asking me to shut up. I can provide this record if you want to investigate.

Verified purchaser
I only asked once and it wasn't repeated. Questions about roadmaps and updates breaking guidelines? Do you make rules on Discord (I don't think so)? You seem anti-criticism, that's not good for a SaaS product. this is not right.