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Member since: Nov 2020Deals bought: 152
4 stars
4 stars
Posted: Jul 8, 2022

Updated Review

I love Amelia! It looks great and functions well. I have not had any problems with errors and the support is responsive and helpful. The reason I give 4 tacos is that I feel, like others have mentioned before, that customer requests are being ignored. I am not talking about "nice to have" features but about features necessary for offering events of any kind. Here are some:
-There is no way to delete or hide past events. There is no option to hide them and if you cancel and delete a past events, your past customers get a cancelation email.
-There is no way to specify a maximum number of tickets per booking.
-There is no way to hide the number of currently registered guests at an event. Due to the fact that past events cannot be hidden, the number of guests you had during any number of past events is always publicly visible.
-Custom notifications and coupons can only be applied to individual events and not to tags/categories. That means you manually have to apply every event you create to the coupons and the custom notifications the event belongs to.
-The time is only displayed in the calendar and in the second step of the booking process, but in the second step of the process, it's unclear since the start and end times are listed below each other. The only workaround I found was to mention the start time in the event title, which works but is not professional and has to be done manually for every event.
As I said, I love Amelia but don't really understand why these issues are not being addressed. I understand that Amelia's focus is not on events but on appointments, but these issues must be solved for a fully functional event solution. If they are, I will update this review.
