Q: Why is the installation process for the Analytify plugin so different than all other WP plugins?
Specifically, I'm referring to how the user must go into the Google API control panel, etc.
1. Why don't other analytics plugins require the user to do this? (use the google api control panel, etc)
2. Is this more involved setup process part of the reason why Analytify is better than the competition?
3. Does this make your plugin more accurate than other analytics plugins?
Even though I have no idea what I'm doing, it just feels like I'm doing something powerful when going through your installation instructions. I'm mostly just curious why other analytics plugins don't require the user to go through a similar process during the installation. And how both plugins could be equally accurate if not using a similar process for setup.
I'm glad you asked this Interesting question.
Whenever you connect a Plugin/App with Google Analytics or any other Google app, You grant HUGE permissions to plugin/app to use your data and you will not know what can that plugin do or steal your personal information or anything. That is why Google recommends to use your own API keys for hosted applications/apps.
There are certain limiations of their API usage's and if you use our default API keys, These limitations can break your plugin. So that is another reason we have this setup workflow. You can change the quotas limitations from your own Google Console Projects.
Hope this helps, if there still any question. Ask!
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