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Verified purchaser

Member since: Jul 2021Deals bought: 14
1 stars
1 stars
Posted: Aug 29, 2024

not as exciting as it seemed

Not that impressed as it's very basic and there is upsells that you're going to want that are recurring costs. Kinda bummed i didnt realize about the recurring upsells, wish i coulda noticed that better in the beginning as i woulda kept looking for alternatives

Founder Team


Sep 2, 2024

Hi there,

Thank you for leaving us a review. We appreciate your valuable feedback.

We understand you’re not happy about some features being available as an add-ons. Some features involve an ongoing cost, which is why it’s not viable for us to offer them in an LTD. We still believe our deal offers ample features to help you build & publish powerful Android and iOS apps.

We hope you give us another shot. Please feel free to reach out again.
