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Q: A possibly ridiculous question, but what the heck.

You only live once.

I have a client who asked whether his 80+ page (non-eCommerce) website could be "downloaded somehow" for sales reps to have in their phones in case they can't connect to the Internet. I have never heard of such a thing and thought it would take up a boatload of storage anyway.

Is AppScreens a possible solution to this? Create screenshots of the website pages, then stored in an app that can be downloaded privately and can run off a phone or tablet without internet?

32148b663184483a9720e00e1462287aMar 24, 2021
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: G'day!

No, this is not what we do - we create screenshots for the iOS and Google App Stores. The ones you see when you choose which app to download.

In your case, have a Google for; Progressive Web App (PWA) and Web Workers. You are able to achieve most of what you want with this, caching pages offline on the device. You'll need to be mindful as you suggest about size and perhaps only cache offline critical HTML / CSS and not all full-res images.

Depending on the site and offline usage, the complications can come when commuting with APIs and persisting data offline (for display, and saving). This is case specific and modern tools like Firebase help bridge this gap.

Hope that helps! Chuck us an email if you want anymore info.

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Posted: Apr 1, 2021

(A regular sumo-ling here, no relation to development team) Just came across your question... what you probably would want to do is just create a slideshow presentation with the website info and save it as pdf. You can accomplish this with google slides and they can provide the pdf for sales people to use when they don't have internet access. Hope this helps.

This makes a lot of sense and is probably the easiest solution for my brain. Any page updates could just be swapped out of the master PDF and be redistributed. Appreciate the idea and will look into it further. Thank you!

Apologies for my delay in thanking you, Ralph. Just came up for air from a pile of work. I've saved your recommendation to look into further! Appreciate your thoughtfulness to reply.