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Member since: Jun 2017Deals bought: 205
1 stars
1 stars
Posted: Jul 5, 2024

UI feels outdated and clunky, and couldn't test because of errors like "Error adding component"

I was really hopeful for and even fully stacked my account. However, the UI feels outdated and clunky. I couldn't test a campaign because of errors like "Error adding component" when trying to add a new Gmail. I would have kept it if it actually worked, but compared to, it's not ready for primetime. Additionally, I couldn't remove added Gmails, which is a big issue since some emails will inevitably get burned. The lack of "app password" support for Gmail is problematic, as it risks locking us out of accounts without constant verification. If there's an auto-setup for app passwords, please provide proof. Thank you.

Founder Team


Jul 6, 2024

As we mentioned in our support email, this product does not support burner Gmail accounts since we want to avoid anything related to spam or unverified accounts.

This tool is for users which starts their campaigns at ease and keeping track of these campaigns. very well.We designed this product in collaboration with top cold email experts to ensure our customers can achieve success with cold emails. Our UI/UX is highly appreciated by hundreds of our customers, so we do not plan to make any changes in this area.

Instanly AI launched on AppSumo about two years ago in 2022, and currently, you can get a one-month package from them at the price we offer for a lifetime deal. Despite this, we see ourselves on the same level as them. We always assist our customers, and our support experts can jump on a call with you to gather feedback or check any issues you might encounter through a live call. Unfortunately, there is nothing more we can do at this moment. We hope to see you back in the b2breach family soon.
