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Member since: Jan 2020Deals bought: 42
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Mar 11, 2023

Awesome tool from product background removal

I am very pleased with this purchase from AppSumo. BackgroundCut delivers when it comes to removing backgrounds. I went to their website and used their free test feature (no sign-up required) and tested some of our product images to see its effectiveness and was blown away. After the tests I immediately purchased the app. There's a lot of value for how much time this app will save me in preparing clean product images for our products. I don't plan to use the API features or bulk upload for now, but I tested the bulk upload it it worked spot-on. I had one larger product that I had to photograph outside when testing and as such, it had a varied background. BackgorundCut nailed 95% of that background the first try...the editing features are super simple and intuitive (and available in the free demo too) and made cleaning up the last 5% take less than 30 seconds and boom! 5 tacos all the way!
