Q: I am enjoying using this backlink monitoring tool, and the additional paid link finder is great, but I also have links I want to upload.
These links are given to me in a list with the link_from info, but not link_to. Therefore, I do not have enough information without going to each page and seeing what links are there. Most of the pages associated with these links have two backlinks to my website. I assume I would count these as two backlinks.
The problem is that it is a lot of work, entering links manually or building my csv, having to find all of the target link_to URLs and enter them into the table.
Is there an easier way to do it?
What if I generate a csv file with each link_from associated with a link_to that is just my domain URL and not the specific URL?
Would it not work, because the links are to specific pages or posts?
Sep 11, 2024A: Hey, we have already built for this edge case scenario. A lot of users face this issue.
For this, we already have a quick work around for you.
You can just mention your domain URL in the link_to and it will tell you if that domain URL is present on the page or not. It's a great work around if you don't want to invest a lot of time in making that CSV.
Alternately, if you don't even know which link_from is for which domain, then you can simply make a list of links on your link_from URLs from tools like screaming frog and then just filter the link_to rows which have your domains. This will quickly give you the desired link_from & link_to sheet.
I hope I was able to help you here.